
Three names from opposition to replace cope president Ranjit Bandara

The opposition has proposed to the speaker to appoint one of the three members of Samagi Jana Balavega namely Dr. Harsha de Silva, Iran Wickramaratne and Kabir Hashim as the chairman of the committee on public affairs (cope).

The opposition is also focused on bringing a no-confidence motion against the current chairman of the COPE Committee, Professor Ranjit Bandara.

A strong politician of the opposition also stated that the Samagi Jana Balawegaya has also submitted a proposal on that matter and discussions are currently being held on that matter.

Since many allegations have been made against Professor Ranjith Bandara, Member of Parliament Dayasiri Jayasekara has also requested the Speaker to remove him from that position and appoint a representative of the opposition to that position.

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