
Mark Zuckerberg Facebook profile page hacked

Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has had his profile page hacked by an IT security researcher, after the social network ignored his warnings that a glitch in the site allowed anyone to post on a stranger’s wall.   
Khalil Shreateh, a systems information expert from Palestine, attempted to report the vulnerability to Facebook's security team twice, demonstrating that the glitch was real by posting an Enrique Iglesias video on the wall of one of Zuckerberg's college friends, Sarah Goodin, with whom he was not connected.
However, Facebook dismissed his warnings, claiming that the issue "was not a bug", as only Goodin's friends were able to see the post on her wall.
Frustrated, Shreateh decided to use the glitch to hack into Mark Zuckerberg's profile page. In a post which has since been removed, he apologised for breaking Zuckerberg's privacy, adding: "I had no other choice... after all the reports I sent to Facebook team"
In less than a minute, Shreateh's Facebook account was suspended and he was contacted by a Facebook security engineer requesting all the details of the exploit.

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